Thursday, November 20, 2014

WebGL Chrome Experiments that FAIL IN FIREFOX

This was the only Chrome Experiment that I found failed to work in firefox. It is called SnakeGrid. Also, 
JS Racing
Flora Drifting
didn't seem to work on firefox either. I've noticed that experiments that require complicated or detailed graphics doesn't work on Firefox. 

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser


The first WebGL Experiment that I chose was a game named GridLand. I chose this experiment because the images in the block and the animation of a person building the house was very interesting. It is a match-3 survival game, and when you match appropriate tiles, the person is animated to build its own town and slay enemies. Above are screenshots of me playing two rounds of this game. GridLand  

The second WebGL Experiment that I chose was Meel. It shows an animated neural network that produces sound. Above are screenshots where I really enjoyed looking at the beautifully structured network with small balls moving along, producing harmonious sounds in accordance with those movements. Meel 

The third WebGL Experiment that I chose was FloraDrift. It is an interactive synth garden, where no pre-recorded sounds or pre-rendered graphics are used. The creator states that everything is synthesized in-browser. I really enjoyed the beautiful sound that the program produced. It was mysterious, and also special in that I was able to put in some extra sound effects using the cursor. FloraDrift  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Final #3: Group 3D Building Project

Here, I am building a wall for the house. 

Here, I am building a second wall of the house.

Here, I am building a third wall of the house.

Here, I am creating a fourth wall of the house, to wrap around in a square. 

Here, I am creating a door for the house. 

Here, I am creating a part of the front wall on top of the door to enclose the facade. 

Here, I am creating a roof using the cylinder tool. 

Here, I am adjusting the size of the cone to cover the top of the house. 

Here, I wrote my name and the name of the object that I created in 3D. 

For this final project, I created a house in mesh moon. Our group had trouble gathering in one place because each world could only take a limited number of people. However, we entered the world separately to build different objects, and logged out so that the other member could build their object. We logged into Ryan's BC Leaderboard to complete this final project. 

I changed the world into a build mode and started to create the walls of the house by adjusting the sizes of each rectangle, and by giving it textures of a brick. Then, I created a door by inserting a white rectangle on the front wall. For the roof, I inserted a cone with a red smooth texture, and adjusted its size so that it could cover the top of the house entirely. Jungyeon created a pool, Haesoo created a small poorhouse, and Daniel created the rock bench on front of the house. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at     

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Final #4: High Resolution Avatar

Here, I selected the breast size of my avatar. 
Here, I manipulated the vertical position of the avatar to make her stand more straight up. 
Here, I put a jean on the avatar to cover up her bottom.
Here, I made my avatar wear a shirt to cover up her torso.
Here, I used the hair options to give my avatar the hair style of a girl.
Here, I used the eyelash option to give my avatar a different eyelash so that her eyes look bigger. 
Here, I used the eyebrow option to give my avatar a different eyebrow style. 
Here, I used a skin color option to change her skin to an asian female skin color. 
Here, I changed the horizontal scale of my avatar's torso to make it a little longer.
Here, I manipulated the size of the avatar's buttocks to make it slightly bigger. 
This is a final image of my avatar. I used the MakeHuman software to experience creating a high resolution avatar. There were various tools for customizing every parts of the avatar, which was the most amazing part of this software. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Final #2: Six Monocular Depth Cues

In the reading, it was stated that there are six specific monocular depth cues, and that our eyes perceive the 3D world through such cues. I found each cue in the Second Life virtual world. 
Here, I found and circled an example of a monocular depth cue of Texture Density. The texture of the road is obvious when it is seen close. It is apparent that it is made out of brown and black rocks. However, the texture becomes blurry and unrecognizable as distance gets added. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  

 Here, I found and circled an example of the monocular depth cue of Lighting and Shading. The screen creates a shading on the floor beneath it, making that area dark while the surrounding area is very bright. This is due to lack of light on the area under the screen while light shines on the surrounding area. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  
Here, I found and circled an example of a monocular depth cue of linear perspective. It can be observed that the parallel lines starts as wide but becomes narrower as the distance increases until it reaches a vanishing point. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at    
 Here, I found and circled an example of a monocular depth cue of occlusion. Occlusion happens when one object blocks another object. Here, the three vases are blocking the view of the glass window. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  
Here, I found and circled an example of monocular depth cue of Size Differences. The rock tower on the front is much bigger than the rock tower behind. This is because an object of larger distance is seen as smaller than the object of smaller distance, although they are objects of same size in reality. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at   

Here, I found and circled an example of monocular depth cue of Atmospheric Perspective. The trees out in the distance seems to be darker and more grayish blue, as they took the color of the sky, while the trees on the front are white. This is due to light traveling through the atmosphere crewing same objects to be viewed as different color. This is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  

Class 10 Leaderboard

This is the leader board for class 10. 


Here, I am exploring my virtual world to find a place for constructing the museum and the library.

Here, I used the editing and shapes tool to create a four pillars with spheres on top of each. 

Here, I am trying the content tools to insert images that are linked to an website.

Here, I imported the images, and am moving/ dropping them at the right place.

Here, I am still moving around the pictures to position them on the right place.

Here, I positioned the pictures around the pillars, so that my avatar can view all of the pictures when he is standing in the middle of the structure.

This is a first image of my high school graduation. Even though it doesn't work, I tried to link it to my high school website.  

This is an image of my dog. Even though it doesn't work, I tried to link it to a webpage that introduces different dog breeds and information about where to adopt them. 

This is an image of the Gasson Hall from Boston College campus. Even through it doesn't work, I tried to link this image to a BC agora portal. 

The image on the left is the Reservoir. Even though it doesn't work, I tried to link it to the city sports online shopping webpage, because I run there frequently. The image on the right is a cherry tart, which I ate back in Seoul, Korea. Even through it doesn't work, I tried to link it to the webpage of the pastry shop where I ate that cherry tart. It is called Le Alaska

This is a overall view of the museum from far away, with my avatar standing on front.  

I was stuck with linking the images to a website. I will keep trying to figure it out. Here, I am using Meshmoon creating a Immersive Library and Museum, including five personal pictures and some 3D objects. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education class that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering COmputer Graphics. For details, visit the Immersive BC portal at

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Immersive Libraries and Museum

The goal of the LMT.WG is stated to design and develop library and museum services supporting the Immersive Education. For example, providing specifications and references, publishing best examples for the assessment of Immersive Education library and museum, identifying funding opportunities to improve LAM.TWG activities, discover and maintain recent bibliographies related to immersive environments in libraries, and so on.

They state that the criteria for success includes sufficient researches on immersive libraries and museums by the members, coming up with the best ideas for their design, summarizing recent immersive library and museum environments,establishing an active community of researchers and virtual world users, etc.
The first case when this LMT.WG can be used is in immersive education study rooms. In a foreign language class (Japanese), American students gather in Immersive Education Study room to look for an appropriate virtual Japanese restaurant to meet at, using the library services available. A group of Latin American students gather in a virtual classroom and make use of the library services to search for topics of common interest. Also, they use voice chat to share their thoughts.
The second case when this LMT.WG can be used is in immersive real/virtual watershed experiences. This can provide bilingual educational virtual products for Latino youth. The LAM.TWG teleconference or the virtual world meetings are held once a month, with face-to-face meetings held approximately twice a year. Everything is confidential and restricted to the members of this group.  
Immersive Education Libraries and Museums Technology Working Group (LAM.TWG)
This can be found at the Journal of Immersive Education (JiED) at

Class 9: Exploring Second Life

This is the lost island. I explored around and took few screenshots of the place. 

This is Petit Square Art Gallery. I took few screenshots exploring around the place.

Here, I explored the Little Town by Cica Ghost. I took several screenshots.